I tell friends if reincarnation is an afterlife option, I want to come back as my dog. There was rarely a time in my life when we didn’t have canine friends, sometimes two and occasionally three. At the moment our family includes two wonderful golden retrievers. Stella is a senior citizen and Sassy is a five-month-old puppy who drives the older one crazy.
Life during the coronavirus has to be the most wonderful time ever in a dog’s world. The humans stay home 99% of the time, they go outside for walks because the gyms are closed, and dogs get to stay indoors all day long.
As I write this, both my dogs are sound asleep in my office. The little one is in her dog bed, her legs twitching as she dreams about rabbits or squirrels or whatever dogs dream about. Stella is sitting in the window, guarding the house from such potentially dangerous criminals as people strolling by, the mail lady or our most frequent visitor, the Amazon driver.
While the temperatures in Dallas have soared into the high nineties, accompanied by stifling humidity and heat indexes reminiscent of Death Valley, it’s always cool and comfortable indoors, and a refreshing swimming pool is just a few steps outside the doggie door.

Long walks (thanks to my wife Margie), plenty of laps in the pool and lots of cool, refreshing water make for a wonderful five months and counting. The coronavirus has to end someday, but our dogs are hoping for later rather than sooner.
Bill and Margie, We have a Golden Doodle, 10 months old. She is so rambunctuous that we have thought about finding a home for her. She must have heard us talking about it, and figured her “gravy train” was over if she didn’t calm down. She has. She is “darling” and we love her. Her favorite poses are on her back, enjoying the AC.
Wilson and Ban
Goldendoodles are the cutest dogs! Glad she is now in your good graces. Our puppy is still crazy but we know before long she’ll settle down too. Say hi to Bona –